Friday, August 3, 2012

It's Time To Get Things Rolling Again~


Now that I have your attention with the top three tsundere's from J.C. staff adaptions. I will  let it be known I will have at least six new post up before this week over so look forward to them. I'm taking a short vacation so I can relax while I type out some news articles, reviews and convention news from the major cons this season. 

Yes I also admit to being a lazy bastard on some respects by not having done any reviews in two months so far, well all I can say is just get the hell over it already! One of my biggest surprises I do have is that I'll be doing reviews on tech devices as well. Now this should wrap up things here, I'll get these post done as soon as I can and host edits/hyper links on this page. Until we meet again I bid you all adieu~

First Edit: One thing you some you might have noticed is my massive overhaul on my school days review I did last year. The major reason for this is due in part that some of the mistakes have been bugging the hell out of me for the past year now and they need to be addressed to make the review seem more professional before submitting it to jast-usa. Just click the hyper-link below to read the updated review.

School Days vn revised review

Second Edit: I have a review coming out soon for the roku HD box and the crunchy-roll ps3 app so look forward to them

-Cecil The Dark Knight


  1. It's been several days. Hey, get out of bed and get one of your new posts up. Don't make me send someone in there to get you out of bed!

    1. Yeah I know that i'm being a lazy bastard however there is no need to worry anymore AHAHAHAHAHHA ahem~

  2. Hey, Shinji, get in the bed.
    Quit whining.

    1. Lawl well I hope you all like my updates, I'm going to spend all night on them~

  3. Hey, just one at a time. That's how we read them anyway.
