Saturday, June 25, 2011

What I Plan To Watch for Summer 2011

Again This is not a review just a list of what t.v. series I plan to watch for this summer season 2011. Some shows will still be on-going like "Steins Gate" and "Hanasaku Iroha" which are up and available for legal streaming on "Crunchy Roll". As of now I have no clue who will be streaming these shows or if they will be a legal option for them at all. This is just a small primary list of what I plan to watch so feel free to add or tell me what you think I should watch as well and I will give it chance. All of the hyper links i am going to provide are to "ANN" with just brief summaries for each series, "yes I am being a lazy bastard about this, so sue me".

Okay here is the list as of now, although small I do hope to add some more if any other series happen to catch my interest.

 4.) Usagi Drop
 7.) R-15

I know that the list is really small compared to my spring list. However I feel that these are the shows that are worth my time. While there isn't much else I can say or list about these shows as now just follow the links to "ANN" or Wikipieda for more information. I will catch you all later and as a treat feel free to watch this trailer for Ro-Kyu-Bu! Moe~ Basket-Ball Desu!

-Cecil The Dark Knight


  1. In winter and spring there were quite a lot of anime being released that I wanted to watch, now it doesn't like there are many interesting anime being released this summer. Just my opinion though

  2. same here, there are few that caught my interest so I will go back to just 10 series this season.

  3. @Daggerd: We won't know unless we watch it!

    Hmm.. Usagi Drop looks like it's got potential. I'm not sure though. Well I'll watch all the anime this summer if possible. lol And it would be nice if you'd review an anime episode by episode so we can discuss it just like what we do in CR.
