Review Archive

Oh God.. My Heart..
This page is here for the sole purpose for of all the reviews that I have done so far. Nothing really special or great this is just a simple way to keep things in order for my site. Every-time I post a new review for an anime series or visual novel, there will be a hyper link here to make it easier to access for everyone.  Normally I do not make any new pages however I feel like it's time to do so if you haven't read any of these reviews or commented feel free to do so.

Anime Reviews 

Anime Ova's

Visual Novels

Chobits "The complete series"
Railgun Vol One

Video Games
Gears of War

-Cecil The Dark Knight


  1. hmm, I thought I would have missed loads of reviews. Only missed the R-15 one.

  2. I really do need to update and do more reviews...

  3. Your reviews, so far, are interesting. I like them so far because there are many things related to other fans' opinions.

  4. so far I have only done twenty reviews....god it's been over year now and this is it =_=. Maybe I really should just give up, hell I haven't added any new tv anime since last year

    1. well a swift kick to my nuts.. i really need to stop being a damn panty waste and move on already.
